
Showing posts from May, 2020

Book - How to Win Friends And Influence people

How to win friends and Influence people is a classic in self-help or personality development category. The original edition of the book was written in 1937 by Dale Carnegie. However the principles mentioned in the book are timeless and it can be used by generations of people as long as human kind exists. The goal of the book is to provide certain principles to follow in successfully interacting with people, get the other person to buy-in your views, get the other person to do something which you need, to get the other person be friends with you and be influenced by you. Since it deals with communication and interaction, the principles apply to every individual whether it is personal, professional or business interactions. Noting down few of the principles below: Fundamental Techniques in handling people: Avoid criticism, complains instead use positive reinforcement techniques Give honest appreciations (Be lavish in appreciations) Talk in terms of benefits the other person...